Saturday, February 29, 2020

Addiction Is a Disease

Many people believe the misconception that an addiction is a moral problem and not a disease. To better understand the reasons why an additicition is in fact a disease; I will identify several types of addictions, and the problems associated with them. I will examine reasons why certain people are more susceptible for developing an addiction. Also, I will determine why many addicts deny their problems and many recovery methods addicts use to fight their illness. Researching these issues, will help aid my claim that addiction is a disease. Addictions can form from using mood altering drugs such as, nicotine, alcohol, cocaine and caffeine, or behavioral processes as with gambling, eating, sex or shopping (Schwartz 21). Schwartz defines â€Å"An addiction, as is any process over which people are powerless, which leads them into behavior inconsistent with personal values, and which they are unwilling to give up, often at the expense of work, relationships or family. †(21) Behavioral processes, such as gambling, provide the brain with a sense of gratification, while ignoring the resulting consequences (Henderson 154). Psychologists compared the conditioning effects produced by a slot machine with similar conditioning experiments on animals. A slot machine may dispense a reward at unexpected times but a person will continue to use the machine even though a reward is not guaranteed. Animals that performed certain behaviors were given a reward at unforeseen intervals. Although, they were not always given a reward they continued the behavior in the lure of possibly receiving a reward. This test demonstrates that a specific behavioral response can be instilled into the brain, regardless of the subsequent outcome. Activities like gambling arouse the pleasure center of the brain by releasing dopamine (Friedman 29). Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain that recognizes feelings of pleasure. The abundance of dopamine results in an over stimulation to the pleasure center of the brain, producing a euphoric effect and reinforces addicts to repeat the behavior. Cocaine, which is a stimulant, has been closely compared to gambling. It also stimulates the pleasure center of the brain. Without that stimulation, the withdrawal symptoms of cocaine are similar to those associated with gambling (Henderson 57). Cocaine and other mood altering drugs can release much more dopamine than natural experiences create (Friedman 169). When your mind indulges in a reward, it is not concerned whether it originates from a substance or an experience. Occasional use of drugs, alcohol and indulgent behaviors does not necessarily lead to addiction. It is important to understand underlying factors that may contribute to addiction. Psychiatric disorders, social factors and agent factors are just a few contributors to developing addictions (Henderson 122). Psychiatric disorders often coincide with addiction, which is often referred to as a â€Å"dual diagnosis†. Individuals with a psychiatric disorder such as depression or anxiety may be more prone to developing addiction problems. A survey referred to as Epidemiological Catchment Area or EPA was conducted to examine psychiatric disorders and how it correlates to addiction problems (Henderson 136). Households from several varying geographical locations participated and the results indicated individuals with psychiatric disorders were more likely to develop an addiction. Many addicts claim their addiction was the result of trying to self-medicate a psychiatric disorder. It is often difficult to determine if the psychiatric symptoms were present before the chemical addiction (Thombs 230). Results from the EPA study also concluded that a person with a substance addiction is at a higher risk of developing a psychiatric disorder (Henderson). Many people use alcohol or substances in social situations. Some individuals believe the use of a substance, such as alcohol, may sometimes improve social bonds (Coombs 232). They feel that being able to share the â€Å"intoxicated feeling† with someone else helps make communication easier. The difference between recreational use and addiction occurs when people need alcohol/drugs in order to socialize (Henderson 24). The addict may associate the substance with positive social experiences, â€Å"I finally felt like I could fit in and socialize. † (24) Another contributor to developing addiction is the agent factors; this is the likelihood that a particular substance will be abused. Some substances are less likely to be abused, and may not be as addictive as others. Agent factors also take into consideration how the substance enters the body (Henderson 19). For example, if a substance is taken orally, the drug is usually less addictive than a drug that is injected into the vein. An inhaled substance can be more addictive than both oral and injected forms. The chosen method of use pertains to how quickly a drug reaches the brain. An inhaled substance can reach the brain in seconds, where as an injected substance will travel around the bloodstream, taking a much longer time to reach the brain. When we look at these three factors, psychiatric, social and agent, we discover that a person’s morality is not the reason individuals are becoming addicted. The underlying factors that lead to addictions are much more complex. â€Å"Denial is a psychological defense mechanism that is found almost universally in people with addiction† (Henderson 2). Many addicts ignore detrimental consequences in order to continue using substances, or remain engaged in addictive behavioral processes. An addict may often not be able to admit they have problems, even to themselves (Berman and Siegel 57). Even when an addict is confronted by others about their addiction, the addict still fails to recognize their problem. Often an addiction may cause a person to blame their problems on someone else in an effort to divert attention away from their addiction. Custer and Milt demonstrate the power of denial by using the example of a smoker’s attitude towards smoking (123). A smoker is aware of the damaging effects of smoking and that it can cause heart disease, lung cancer and other severe health conditions. Research provides a vast amount of conclusive evidence supporting the negative consequences of smoking. A smoker’s addiction can be so strong that they choose to ignore the reality that they are exposing themselves to harmful conditions that could result in illness or death. They decide to ignore the research composed of the undisputable adverse consequences of smoking and tune out all negative information pertaining to smoking. They come up with an array of explanations as to why they should not quit smoking. Since denial is a defense mechanism imbedded in the brain, it is often difficult to admit that there is a problem. Helping addicts acknowledge their addiction is often difficult. There are several recovery methods that can be used to help overcome addiction. A few things that can help in the recovery process are medication, treatment centers, and support groups. Depending on the specific addiction, a variety of medications can be used to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms. After the initial detoxification, anxiety or depression may persist, and an antidepressant may be prescribed to treat these symptoms (Henderson 121). Frequently, non habit forming medications such as Prozac, Tofranil or Perakote may be given to soothe the recovering addict. Medications can be used to prevent relapses, to block opiate/nicotine receptors and can help the recovery process. Treatment centers can be beneficial in several aspects. They can provide medical and psychiatric assistance. Also, they can provide a structured plan for recovery with strict guidelines. Treatment centers can introduce an addict to the twelve step program, aid in preventing relapse, and can act as a gateway to support groups. Although many people may believe addiction is a moral problem the research presented in this paper disputes that argument. Instead it most commonly is a disease that originates from psychiatric disorders, social factors and agent factors. Addiction is a disease like any other disease. Although it is not always possible to predict who the disease will affect, there are shared factors that make certain people more susceptible to the disease.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Human Papilloma Virus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Papilloma Virus - Essay Example This paper critically reviews recent concepts in genital HPV linked to diseases, disease prevention, viral prevention, viral testing, and treatment. Health Canada goals and strategies for the control of human papillomavirus infection are represented (Rodriquez 2010). Periodic respiratory papillomatosis is chiefly a disease of children in whom several papillomas arise in the upper aerodigestive tract, involving the larynx and vocal cords. The papillomas collectively instigates thwarting papillomas might amount to respiratory suffering. Both high and low risk HPV-DNA series have been established in the papillomas. Although the viruses linked to the respiratory papillomatosis are not contacted through sexual intercourse, they are nonetheless most likely genital in origin, contacted during labor. Anogenital human papillomaviruses infection are chiefly transmitted through sexual intercourse, though in smaller cases there seems to be further, or optional, paths of transmission. Some crucia l proof asserts that rare cervical and penile infections may be contacted during labor through exposure to HPV extant in the maternal birth canal or external warts. A lot of concern has been placed on papillomatosis that is assumed to be contacted in this way. However, some peripheral anogenital warts may be contacted during labor as well (Brotzman & Julian 2006). 2. ... This paper critically analyses current HPV concepts and control issues including epidemiology, prevention, testing and burden of infection. Objectives of HPV control in Canada include establishing and evaluating the prevalence of HPV infection diminishing situations of HPV linked diseases, and promoting HPV targeted rudimentary science and clinical research. The advancement of vaccines is optimistic that the prevention of transmission and acquisition of the viral STD. There is a wide range of human papillomaviruses, which are over seventy types, and of these, over twenty infect mucosal tissue and can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. Human papillomaviruses are connected to the pathogenesis of cancer of the uterine cervix, which is the second most collective cause of cancer and cancer fatalities in women worldwide. Recent research shows that there is prevalent 80 percent of cases happening mostly in the developing world. Aggressive squamous cervical cancer is heralded by pren eoplastic lesions that can be established on Papanicolou (Pap) smear and consequently treated. The goal of screening for these precursor lesions has been linked to 90 percent reduction of cervical cases in some Western countries. Conceivably, over twenty types of this cancer linked types of HPV have been established; the most collective are types 16 and 18(Apple et al., 2005). These viruses are capable of integrating into the human genome, and by a range of mechanisms and mutations, including viral protein production and binding of human suppressor and retinoblastoma proteins, amount to unregulated mutations, and ultimately to malignant changes. Further, Oncogenic human papillomaviruses series have been established in the instantaneous

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Pick a topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pick a topic - Essay Example Postal Service Nearing Bankruptcy as Email Asserts Its Dominance†(Wehner). Some people may regard this change in communication because technology has made it cheaper and faster to communicate than every before. Yet, there are many other people who view technology’s changes to communication as a very negative force as it has created a new generation of people who are extremely ignorant in terms of communicating appropriately and effectively. According to the article entitled â€Å"What is Good Communication,† there are distinct characteristics which clearly defines good versus bad communication. In looking at the comparison, it is evident that many of the qualities, which make up â€Å"bad† communication are extremely evident in much of the communication conducted via technology. For example, poor communication has qualities such as â€Å"people wear(ing)masks, the sender attacks the receiver, receiver doesn’t listen to sender, either sender or receiver is distracted, message is garbled or ambiguous, sender has hidden agenda, and one or more of the people involved are overemotional† (â€Å"What is Good Communication†). All of these qualities can be found in how people communicate today due to the influence of technology. This is especially prevalent for Internet based and texting based communication where people are able to hide behind their electronic devices which creates an atmosphe re of anonymity and a false sense of security for the communicators as they are not having to deal with a person in any real capacity. Because of this negative impact, it has become increasingly important in my own life to incorporate the characteristics of good communication with those that I communicate with using methods such as email, Skype, and telephones. People, nowadays, already carry an expectation with them that they are dealing with poor communicators when they technologically communicate with a person. Therefore, I ensure that I strictly